Saturday, February 7, 2009

Online crops are so much FUN!

This past weekend while the superbowl was on I participated in an online crop at the A pile of Scrap forum. There were games to play, prizes to be won and just plain old fun to be had. There are so many talented ladies over there and I have a lot to learn from them.

Here are a few of my layouts that I did for the challenges. The first two are for the crop circle that is held every month and I won the prize for that!! I can't wait to see what it is when it arrives in the mail.

And here is one of the make and takes that they had posted. A slider card that was so much fun to make!


  1. Great job on your blog!! Can't wait to read and see more :)

  2. JEN! I love your blog! WOO HOO! :D

  3. Ok, are you s&lmommy (shortened version) on LM? I know too many Jen's! :)

  4. Yes I am Carol....I was wondering if you would know who it was. I should have let you know :)

    Can't wait to meet you on Friday!!!

  5. What a nice blog ... Love the colours and look forward to keeping up with your progress.
