Saturday, April 25, 2009

Have you ever done this?

So I packed up my stuff to go to a crop last night. I am trying to think of all the things I need to take to complete what I want to and I look it all over and think to myself...yes I have everything I need. I am in the car halfway to my destination to realize I don't have photos! So this obviously is a problem. LOL The funny part is I just finished reading an article in Scrapbook etc on what to remember to bring to a crop and photos was on the top of the list (and they made a joke that people do forget that)

I guess it was a good thing I wasn't planning on doing any layouts but my gifts for my mom and MIL. Now the gifts do include pictures but at least i can add those in afterwards. Once the gifts are done I will post a picture but it might not be for another couple of days.

So have you ever done something like this?


  1. I can honestly say I have not done that...but there's always something I want to use only to realize I didn't bring it.

  2. I have brought the wrong ones before but never none THANK GOODNESS!!!
    Hope your week is great :)
